1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

MAD COW & Salman Pushtie...

MAD COW & Salman Pushtie...

Newsgroups: soc.culture.europe
Subject: MAD COW & Salman Pushtie...
Date: 27 Mar 96 07:26:04 GMT

Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom off shore Europe, where lived a nation who ruled by His Majesty the Media. One of the main role of His Majesty was to keep the nation entertained by mythology, fabricating lies about the God and His Messengers and distorting His Revealed Messages. His Magesty the Media had absolute power on His subjects including the Dynasty. Through His entertainment of His Nation He had complete control of the environment, He could even seperate husband and wife against their will;-)) But somehow, one day, while His Majesty the Media was busy fabricating swears against the God and His Prophets, a Mad Cow slips through this absolute power and takes the main stage, and starts threatening the power of His Majesty and undermining the foundations of the State and the Nation. Nobody knew how to control the Mad Cow for the Nation's philosophers were starved of being suspended and made redundant by the confusion of concepts created via mythology, illusion and sophistry of His Majesty, and the people had become so much addicted to mythology they were now unable to hear the _fact_ and the _truth_ uttered by their scientists. Because of all that it became impossible to convey the Messages of the Scientists to the populations to contain the chaos in the Island of the Tenderfooted Nation.
As expected the confusion had started spilling to the Continental Europe to theaten the Unity of the so called European Community who used to chant proudly:->
Alle menschen werden Brueder (excluding muslims):->RO(T/F)L

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