1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi


[analogy deleted]
> Using this analogy only as a starting point, let us briefly examine the > concept of INTELLECT in Islam.
[mis-informed criticism of science deleted]
> Aql (INTELLECT) in Islam is something which exists at two levels. (intellect, exist, levels)
> There is the level of "reason and logic" which is available as an > instrument to all mankind, and there is the level of the "universal > INTELLECT" to which only a few have reached. (reason, logic, universal-intellect)
> AQL is that which connects man to the truth, not the evolving truths > of science but the truth that flows from God and provides > the key to all knowledge and all truth. (AQL=intellect, truth, science, God, knowledge)
> So the INTELLECT (Aql) is the highest plane of man - it is the noblest part > of man - it encompasses reason and logic and it stands above the ego. (intellect, man, reason, logic)
> Reason is an aspect or reflection of the universal INTELLECT on the psyche > of the individual. (reason, universal-intellect, psyche)
> Reason on the level of individual conciousness is not, > however, free of the passions or the ego. It can be an instrument or means > to attaining the universal INTELLECT or it can be a veil (when mixed with > the passions) that hides one from the divine truths. (reason, consciousness, passion, universal-intellect, divine-truths)
> Revelation provides a guiding and regulating framework within which reason > and logic can find firm footholds to convey man up to the plane of the > universal INTELLECT. (revelation, guide, reason, logic, universal-intellect)
> The verses of the Qur'an become doors to this INTELLECT, and once this > INTELLECT is accessed the knowledge of the "Mother of the Book" can be > achieved. (verses=ayats, intellect, knowledge, mother-of-the-book)
> The person who rises to this level has made the vertical journey and > attained to the level of the pure universal INTELLECT > and can then become a guide to the people. (vertical-journey, universal-intellect, guide)
> The human INTELLECT is a microcosmic reflection of the universal INTELLECT. (human-intellect, microcosmic-reflection, universal-intellect)
> When man attains to proper use of his own INTELLECT he is able to move from > the level of his own individual INTELLECT to swim in the ocean of the > universal (macrocosmic) INTELLECT. (man's-own-intellect, individual-intellect, universal-intellect)
However, there is no similarity between the above description of 'INTELLECT' and the 'AQL=intellect' which is used in the Qur'an. The above description sounds rather a distortion of the 'intellect=aql' as it is used in the Qur'an.
Now let's see how the God really, REALLY used this word 'INTELLECT' in the Qur'an. The rest is up to your use of intellect to see the differences between the use of the God and the above described use of 'INTELLECT'.
----------------------------- REMARKS on INTELLECT (AQL).
"Allah created Intellect and said to it: Advance! and it advanced. Then He said to it: Return! and it returned. And He said: By My power and majesty, I have created no creature more amiable to me than you".
(Ibn Bajje in one of his books, and al-Ghazali in his book Ihya Ulum al-Din related this as an authoritative hadith: See: A.Altmann, Studies in Religious Philosophy and Mysticism, (Cornell University Press, 1969) p.90 and 98. Also see: Ihya Ulum al-Din, (Cairo, 1312/1894-5) I, 69,9.)
Believing and AQL
010.100 a soul does not believe, except the permission (izn) of Allah. and He leaves those who do not use intellect (aql) in misery.
Satan and aql
036.062 indeed (satan) led astray many of you. Will you not use intellect (aql)
Guidance and aql
067.010 ....had we listened or use intellect (aql), we would not have been the companions of this fire.
002.170 and when it is said to them: follow what Allah has revealed, they said no! we follow that wherein we found our fathers. Even if their fathers did not use intellect (aql) on anythin and did not have any guidance (heda) ?
002.044 do you (Bani-Israel) instruct others to be good when you forgdet yourselves while you read the book ? Do you not use intellect (aql) ?
002.242 Thus Allah makes clear His signs (ayats) that you may use intellect (aql).
Knowledge and Aql
029.043 Thus We establish these similitudes for human-kind, though none, but those who have knowledge use intellect on them. (similitudes, knowledge, intellect)
Ayats/Qur'an and intellect
003.118 ..We have made the signs clear so that you may use intellect. (ayats, intellect) 012.002 Indeed We sent it down as a Qur'an in arabic, so that you may use intellect. 024.061 ...thus Allah makes clear His signs, so that you may use intellect. 043.003 We have made it a Qur'an in arabic, so that you may use intellect. 057.017 ..We made Our ayats/signs clear to you, so that you may use intellect. 030.028 ...and in this way We explain Our signs for a nation who use intellect.
'akalu/ta'kilun/na'kilu/ya'kiluha/ya'kilun ------------------------------------------------------------- Ayats in which "AQL" occurs.
002.075 So, do you still want them to believe you, when among them was a group who would listen to the word of Allah and they would change it after they used intellect and they knew it.
002.044 Do you instruct others to be good when you forget yourselves while you read the book ? Do you not use intellect ?
002.073 And We said: Strike this victim with a piece of calf. So will Allah bring life the dead and will show you His signs so that you may use intellect.
002.076 When they met those who believed, they said: we believe!. But when they were left with themselves they said: why are you telling them what Allah opened to you ? to let them bring proof against you before Allah ? do you not use intellect ?
002.242 Thus Allah makes clear His signs so that you may use intellect.
003.065 People of the Scripture! why do you bring arguments about Abraham ? The Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him. Do you not use intellect ?
010.100 A soul does not believe, except by the leave (izn) of Allah. And He leaves those who do not use intellect (aql) in misery/filth.
008.022 The worst of the beasts in Allah's sight are the deaf, the dumb, who do not use intellect.
010.042 ..Can you make the deaf to hear even if they do not use intellect ?
022.046 Did they not walk on the earth with hearts to use intellect and ears to listen ? It is not the eyes that become blind, but the hearts in their breasts that become blind. 025.044 Or do you think that most of them listen or use intellect ? They are nothing but like animals. No they are even worse in their way. 039.043 Or chose they intercessors other than Allah ? Say: Even if they do not have power over anything, and they do not use intellect ? 059.014 They fear you more than they fear Allah. Because they are a nation who do not use intellect.
Here is the complete list of ayats where 'akl' occurs.
002.075, 044, 073, 076, 164, 170, 171, 242 003.065, 118 005.058, 103 006.032, 151 007.169 008.022 010.016, 042, 100 011.051 012.002, 109 013.004 016.012, 067 021.010, 067 022.046 023.080 024.061 025.044 026.028 028.060 029.043, 035, 063 030.024, 028 036.062, 068 037.136, 137, 138 039.043 040.067 043.003 045.003, 005 049.004 057.017 059.014 067.010 ------------------------------ As you see, nowhere in the Qur'an 'intellect' is used in such a way that it may have levels or one can possess _it_.
We may say that 'AQL=INTELLECT' is a law-cluster concept.
'AQL=INTELLECT' is not constituted by a bundle of properties.
The concept 'AQL=INTELLECT' enter into great many laws and rules. It plays great many roles and these laws and inference rules constitute its meaning collectively, not individually.
The examples given in the Qur'an can be organized in such many ways to present the perspectives of types of the use of 'AQL'. And the collection of those schematic clusters then may represent the use of the concept of 'AQL'. The concept of 'AQL=INTELLECT' cannot be represented by simple definitions, we need such a cluster of schemata to represent its use.
(see: the Qur'anic Concept of Intellect, Kocabas, S.)
> Rashid

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