1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Siyasetle ilgili kavramlar

Siyasetle ilgili kavramlar

Dated : 2/08/2006

Efendi - Selamlar.  Asagidaki web sitesinde eski ve yeni ortadogu haritalari yayinlanmis. Harita kismindaki 1-2 tuslarina basaraksimdiki haritadan "gelecekteki"(?) haritaya gecebiliyorsun. Haa,bir de halife sececeklermis ;-) Vesselam, -


Dated : 9/08/2006
Efendi - Selamlar.

> senin buna verilecek cevabin ne?

Siyasiler ve Gekkolar cevap versin derim. Herkes isine baksin,Vesselam

Dated 10/08/2006

Selam Efendi,

eger Allah'in siyasetle ilgili kelimelerini iyice calismis olsaydin isini Sekularistlere (siyasiler ve gekkolar) birakmaz cevabini kendin verirdin.Benim buna verdigim cevap su, buraya bir kismini aktarayim:

AFJ ArmedForcesJournal thinks that the Middle-east problems can besolved by new borders and by forming new states.This is typical solution(?!) one could expect from fascist-secularists for their political system is stuck to singularity;-> Single Law,Single State, Single Language, Single Culture, Single Land, Single Race(Nation), Single Leadership.However if we open our eyes and look around we see plurality in the nature which makes it so rich and keeps it stable in this reachness unless we interfere and dictate singularity upon it to destroy the environment.I suggest to AFJ rather than changing maps they better look at their constitution of singularity - the tyrannical constitution based on mythology of Secularists which leaves no room to others to make their own laws and implement them. This is what to be abolished for it is nothing but a set of tools to destroy our physical and social environment and bring misery to human-beings. But of course AFJ cannot see this for it would cut the ground under their feet, then they would become meaningless for the AF would be Dis-AF.


from that date on concentrated on political concepts.

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Halife Abdulhamid II'nin duasinin duzeltilmis hali:

" Allahım helal etmiyorum!   Şahsımı değil, ümmetimi bu hale getirenlere, hakkımı helal etmiyorum! Beni, benim için lif lif yolsalar, c...