1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Road to 911 Derin Devlet (Deep State)

Road to 911 Derin Devlet (Deep State)

I come accross this book called "The Road to 9/11"
Peter Dale Scott 2007

p. 20 "Foreign Military StudiesOffice of Fort Leavenwort..."The Caspian Sea appears to be sttting on yet another sea - a sea of hydrocarbons...the presence of these oil reserves and the possibility of their export raises (sic) new strategic concerns for the USA and Western industrial powers. ...strategic concerns gain military implications."

according to P.D.Scott's analysis 9/11 is a New Pearl Harbour a Space Pearl Harbour a product of Deep State - Rumsfeld a PNAC member talks on January 7, 2001 something about "...U.S. space vulnerabilities. ..a disabling attack aainst the country...a 'Space Pearl Harbour'....cause the U.S. Government to act." p. 24

he means to attack Iraq...

P.D.Scott also point out U.S. drug operations for the emergence of terrorist groups collectively called al Qaeda in conjunction to CIA's supply of training and arms.

This is a very good book disclosing Ergenekon (deep state) formation in the USA. It also gives a lot of clues to expain what is happenening in Turkey today. P.D.Scott deliberately uses the Turkish concept developed during last 20 years to explain  Ergenekonian roots - the concepty of DEEP STATE - DERIN DEVLET. I recommend this book to every intelligent human-being who is concerned about the future of humananity.

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