1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Questions to Emily

Questions to Emily

Emily, you tell me what you mean by:'forced to be blonde empty headed women.'

Did you invent that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' as a fiction ?In your use, can you say that a reality corresponds to 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' if itis true and we can assert it ?If yes, so you have a use for 'forced to be blonde empty headed women'.

Do you use 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' as an explanation of the use of the words 'blonde, empty heade, woman'?

How did you learn the expression 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Has anyone explained it to you by refering to sensations, images or thoughts that accompany hearing 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

Can you construct an application of this-symbol/these-symbols ?Is this a definition about a symbol 'blonde/empty heade/women'?

In your use of it, is time enter into 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Do you use 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' to make forecasts/predictions ?

If you use it as a mathematical proposition, can you prove it inmathematics according to certain rules ?

In your use of 'forced to be blonde empty headed women', can you say nothing which happens will ever make me/us call it false or give up ?

Would you use 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' if in its application things were different ?

Is 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' useful in experience ?

If 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' is a rule, do you know how is it used ?

Do you want to join different techniques with the use of 'forced to be blonde empty headed women'?

Do you want to use 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' as a projection ?

Do you want to make 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' independent of experience ? So you want to lay down 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' as a foundation which provides a form of representation ? a method of description ?

If you don't marvel at the fact that the propositions of arithmetic(e.g. the multiplication tables) are "absolutely certain", then whyshould one be astonishted that the proposition 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' is so equally ?

Can you say "I don't have to change my opinion that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' " ?

I don't know what you mean, tell me exactly what you mean, or elseI may be cheated.I need to know how it is used, do you know how to use it ?

An expression has any amount of use, then how if I tell you a sentence'forced to be blonde empty headed women', can you have the use in your mind in an instant ?

Is this similar to nonsense or to something that is surprising ?Are you inclined to call this nonsense ?

Is this nearer to the ordinary case or is it nearer to the absurtcase ?

Is that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' a rule about the use of a symbol or symbols ?

Was 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' first introduced because of experience and now you have made it independent of experience; a rule of expression for talking about your experiences ?

Is it true that you have arranged your notation in such a way that 'not forced to be blonde empty headed women' is meaningless ? and has been excluded ? Is it excluded for experiencial reasons, however the statement that it is impossible is not an experiencial statement ?

When you use 'not forced to be blonde empty headed women' can you say it is impossible ? If so, is this a rule of expression ?

Is this 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' a paradigm/an-object-of-comaprison and you want to use it as a model ?If yes, is it useful ?        is it useless ?

Do you use 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' as a picture of an experiment ?

Do you use 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' as a standard for the experiment, so it is non-temporal ?

Do you use it as a historic description of an event, so it istemporal ?

Do you use 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' to describe objects ?

Do you want to fix and teach 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' as a technique ?

Do you want 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' to serve as a paradigm which is timeless ?

Do you use 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' as a standard of comparison as a paradigm for the technique ?

Do you want to make up your mind what you want to do with 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

Before you answer the following questions don't gaze at a form ofwords forgetting my asking you what is done with it. Don't gaze to your own soul/mind to see if two expressions have the same meaning but gaze how you use it.

In your use of 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' is it meaningful to affix to 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' by definition ?

Does 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' have its sense in a system of proofs ?

Do you want this sentence 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' to work ?

Would it be true that 'not forced to be blonde empty headed women' make any difference how you use it later ?

Leave alone it's meaning does 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' have a use ? If not why don't you eliminate it ? If you do that wouldn't it be a modification other than closing certain doors ? Would it ?

This shows what you do with 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' : Have you chosen 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' to get to a certain point ?You don't know what 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' means ? Want to try again ?

Do you have grounds for doubting that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

Has experience shown it to be unnecessary that 'not forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Can you say that experience always proves you right that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women'?

Does 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' state part of the picture you form to help you in the judgement of various situations ?

Do you need to satisfy yourself by saying that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' to be able to act ?

If I pronounce the opposite of that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' would you regard me as demented ?

Can you say: I cannot give you any grounds that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women', but if you learn more you too will think the same ?ÔCan you doubt that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

What is it like to make such a mistake as that 'Not forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

What is it like to discover that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' was a mistake ?What could a mistake here be like that 'not forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

Is this 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' supposed to be an empirical proposition ?

Is the hypothesis 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' possible ?

Can you say if I am wrong about this 'forced to be blonde empty headed women', I have no guarantee that anything I say is true ?

Can you say if you are wrong about this 'forced to be blonde empty headed women', you have noguarantee that anything you say is true ?

What would the practical effects of this belief 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' be ?Is it difficult to imagine why anyone should believe the contrary?What could induce you to believe the opposite ?Can you imagine the opposite of 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

Is this proposition 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' must be solid for you ?

Is this 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' a fact that you are certain of to be certain of the meaning of your words 'blonde/empty headed/woman'?

Can you say that it stands fast for me and many others that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Is it possible for you to doubt that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ? Why ?Could you try to doubt that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Can you say everything speaks for 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Can you say nothing against 'Not forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?If you doubt that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' how would your doubt come ?out in practice ?If it makes no difference at all, enjoy your doubt !!!

What are you doing in believing that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?What are you believing if you believe 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Can you say that one can only believe that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women', and even that one can't believe ?Why do you believe that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?    Have you reasons ?    Do you need reasons ?On what ground do you believe that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

Is this 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' revealed by God ?    via which messenger ?    in which scripture ?

What does this belief 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' consist in ?

Why should it be possible to have grounds for believing that?

Can you say: nothing in the world will convince me of the oppositethat 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Can you say: for me this fact 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' is at the bottom of allknowledge ?Can you say: I shall give up other things but not this 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Can you say: I can't be wrong about it that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?Can you say: I cannot depart from this judgement without topplingall other judgements with it that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

Can you say: I cannot be making mistake about it that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?If your use of that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' is not to be a merely an observationabout grammar, can you give the circumstances in which thisexpression 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' functions ?

If you doubt that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women', would you have to doubt all sorts ofthings that stands fast for you ?

Can you say that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' is a hypothesis, which as you believe, is again and again completely confirmed ?Are you not ready to let anything count as a disproof of thisproposition 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?

Here you have arrived at a foundation of all your beliefs, whatwould it be like to doubt 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?What would you believe if you didn't believe that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?So far you have no system at all within which this doubt mightexist ? You have arrived at the rock bottom of your convictions ?and one might almost say that these foundation walls are carried bythe whole house ?

Suppose it wasn't true that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women' ?How should you imagine the mistake being discovered ?

If you know that 'forced to be blonde empty headed women', do you also know, or do you only believe, that no future experience will seem to contradict your knowledge ?If yes that is after all a decision. It is possible that you willact against it.

Is your claim `forced to be blonde empty headed women' an absolute truth or merelya provisional conjecture, in which case there may well be absolute truth?Or perhaps you think it's an absolute falsehood, but then why assert it?

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