1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi



Date 15 Dec 1997 Sherif Safwat writes:
"There is absolutely no relation at all. The prophet never philosophised, nor did the companions. Thus it is not a part of Islam. Philosophers..." 

Chevalier des Mots responds:"Oh well, if you guys were the prophet himself, or his companions accompanied by him, then perhaps we wouldn't need to philosophize. However, you guys are ignorants, 
on top of it you have no-one to accompany you, guide you, 
keep you within the limits, for you guys yourself are 
unaware of the limits, because you do not know...
if you knew, you wouldn't say "you see, there is no 
philosophy involved", because you don't know what philosophy is. I can assert that, because I have 
studied philosophy. So, take the word "philosophy" 
from what you have written, and see what will be 
left behind which sounds sense ;-) "
Sherif Safwat writes:
" CLAIM that philosophy is the way to know God, that is crap of course,because the Prophet knew God without philosophy, and he preached God toeveryone without it. Take for example the hadith of Muaath Bin Jabal, thefive times a day (narrated by both Bukhari and Muslim). You see, there is no philosophy involved."
Chevalier des Mots responds:I'll make a small introduction to philosophy, using your above sentences ;-) As I see from your above sentences, you don't know what "philosophy" is, so I can put any arbitrary word in its place, and see what will happen ;-) As an example I suppose that according to you, maybe philosophy is "bullshit" therefore I will replace "philosophy" with "bullshit" where ever I read "philosophy" in your writing, like this ;->
"...CLAIM that bullshit is the way to know God, that is crap of course, because the prophet knew God without bullshit, and he preached God to everyone without bullshit. Take for example the hadith of Muaath Bin.. ...you see there is no bullshit involved." You see it would be better for Your Ignorance to use "bullshit" in place of "philosophy", wouldn't it? Wouldn't it My Love, wouldn't it?! ;-)

McGill also questions Sharif:"I am not sure what is the above supposed to prove..? Are you telling meif a stranger comes to "invite you" to believe that there are two Gods,you are supposed to follow him without thinking about it?You obviously do not believe in thinking.... What a pity."

Chevalier des Mots responds:
Let's be fair with Sharif, McGill!, he is ignorant of philosophy but, he didn't say anything about "thinking"....he was talking about "bullshit" however he wassystematically misspelling it and writing "philosophy" by mistake...if hethinks that he was really talking about "philosophy" then he has to demonstrate us the difference between "philosophy" and "bullshit" ;-)(according to his understanding and deep knowledge of bullshit of course ;-) )

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