1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Monopoly changing hands

Monopoly changing hands
no worries Mate, it is just changing hands.... by Chevalier des Mots on Sun, 02/22/2009 - 2:48pm the older New York German Jewish elite has been assimilating US society and culture to Jewish standards for the last generation,[iv] and Jewish groups are now at the centers of American power. What would you expect from the Jews under the Monopoly determined to assimilate them according to her mono-laws?
Yes, if the game is assimilation eventually you will get assimilated;-> My use of the Monopoly is related to the mono-law structure and it is a result of it. There is a mono-law and it has to be imposed to all (including Jews) to get them assimilated. If the Jews turning the table and getting the assimilators to be assimilated, for me this is not a big deal, the big deal is the Monopoly goes on, it is just changing hands;->
Just suppose you have a Telephone Company called G-Bell and there is no competitor to her by Law. You have two ways to deal with such a Monopoly.
1. You change the Law and break her monopoly.
2. Wait clever Jews (you call them Zionists, I am just wondering what would you call the previous owners;-> Secularo-fascists??!!;->>) obtain the G-Bell to carry on the Monopoly.
You Guys observe it correctly that the Monopoly is changing hands. But you are struggling in vain to keep the Monopoly in old hands;-> You created this gigantic Monopoly expecting that she will always be yours, yeah it is still yours with a different twist. Don't forget those clever Jews (you call them Zionists) are the citizen of the US and they have all the right to obtain the Monopoly. In other words the Monopoly is good as long as it belongs to you, but hey, why wouldn't Jews think the same way that it would be good to have the Monopoly in Jewish hands with their thanks that you have established it by Law?.
That is why I keep telling to Prof. Walt to invest on his investigations on the IL rather than going to conferences to listen ancients' fables/mythology;->>
Joachim, good on you Mate!, thank you very much for your comments, they are illuminating. I am sure we will be getting somewhere Mate;-)

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