1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Millet, Ummet, Din

Millet, Ummet, Din
AI'cilar siz soyleyin !
Bu 'millet', 'ummet', 'din' kavramlari 'law-clustered' kavramlar degil de ne ? Bunlar 'kavim=ulus'la birlikte bir kavramlar ailesi olusturmuyor da ne yapiyor ? Those concepts are not constituted by a bundle of properties like 'ulus' did. Those concepts enter into great many laws. They play great many roles and these laws and inference rules constitute their meanings collectively, not individually. The examples by their use in the Kuran can be organized in such a way to present the perspectives of a type of their uses. And the collection of those schematic clusters represents the use of the concept. Those concepts cannot be represented by simple definitions, we need such a cluster of schemata to represent them. Bu kavramlari basit tanimlarla birini otekine indirmek onlari kullanilmaz hale getirip yozlastirmak olmuyor da ne oluyor ?
Lawrence'in yarida biraktigi isi Ataturk Dil Kurumu'na mi tamamlattiriyoruz ?
Read John F. Sowa, ISBN 0-201-14472-7 Conceptual Structures 1983.

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