1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi



005.078 Those of children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the
LISAN of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they
rebelled and used transgress.
014.004 And we never sent a messenger save with the LISAN of his KAVM,
that he might make (the message) clear for them..
(lisan, kavm)
016.103 And we know well that they say: only a man taught him. The LISAN
at whom they falsely hint is outlandish, and this is clear arabic LISAN.
019.050 And made for them of our mercy, and assigned to them a high and true
026.084 And give unto me a good LISAN in later generations.
026.195 In plain arabic LISAN.
028.034 My brother Aaron is more eloquent than me in LISAN. Therefor send
him with me as helper to confirm me. Lo! I fear that they will give
deny me.
046.012 When before it there was the scripture of Moses, an 'imamen' and
mercy; and this is a confirming scripture in the arabic LISAN,
that it may warn those who do wrong and bring good tidings for
the righteous.
(musaddiku=confirming, lisanen-arabiyyen, imamen)
090.009 And a LISAN and two lips...
(lisanen, shefeteyni)
019.097 And we make easy in your LISAN, only that you may bear good tidings
therewith unto those who ward off, and warn therewith the froward
(yassarnahu,lisanike, kavm-ludden)
044.058 And we have made easy in your LISAN only that they may heed.
(yassarnahu,lisan, yetezekkerun)
075.016 Stir not your LISAN herewith to hasten it.
(la-tuharrik, lisan, ta'cele)
020.027 And loose a knot from my LISAN.
(ahlul=loose, ukdete=knot, lisan)
026.013 And I shall be embarrassed, and my LISAN will not speak plainly,
therefor send for Aaron.
033.019 ...then, when the fear departed, they scald you with sharp LISANs
in their greed for wealth (from the spoils)...
016.116 And speak not, concerning that which your own LISAN qualify,
the falsehood: "this is lawful, and this is forbidden", so that
you invent a lie against Allah..(tasifu,alsinetukuma,l-kadhiba)
024.015 When you received it with your LISANs, and uttered with your
mouths that whereof you had no knowledge, you counted it trifle.
In the sight of Allah it is very great.
(ilm, talakkavnehu, bi-lisanikum)
030.022 And of His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the
difference of your LISANS and COLOURS. Lo! herein indeed are portents
for man of knowledge.
(halk=creation,semavat,ard,lisan,alimin, see: 006.098)
003.078 And there is a party of them who distort the scripture with their
LISANs, that you may think that what they say is from the scripture
when it is not from the scripture. And they say: It is from Allah,
when it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie concerning Allah
(kitab,yalvuune, el-sinetukum)
004.046 Some of those who are Jews change words from their context and say:
"we hear and disobey; hear thou as one who heard not" and
"listen to us" distorting with their LISANs and slandering DIN...
016.062 And they assign unto Allah that which they dislike, and their LISANs
expound the lie that the better portion will be theirs..(tasifu, el-sinatuhuma,l'kadhiba)
024.024 On the day when their LISANs and their hands and their feet testify
against them as to what they used to do...(teshhedu, alsinetuhum)
048.011 Those of the wandering arabs who were left behind will tell you:
our possessions and our househo;ds occupied us, so ask forgiveness
for us! they speak with their LISANs that which is not in their
(alsinatihi,ma laysa kulubihim)
060.002 If they have the upper hand of you, they will be your foes, and
will stretch out their hands and their LISANs toward you with evil,
and they long for you to disbelieve.(yabsutu, alsinatuhum, bil sui)

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