1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

How "RUH" is used in the Qur'an.

How "RUH" is used in the Qur'an.

002.087 ...and  We gave Jesus, the son of Mary clear signs and
        supported him with Ruh-al-Kuds..
        (beyyinat, Ruh-al-Kuds)
002.253  ...We gave Jesus, the son of Mary clear signs, and
        supported him with Ruh-al-Kuds..
004.171  ...indeed the Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary is the
         messenger of Allah, and His word which He infused
         into Mary, and a ruh from Him...
         (kelime, ruh)
005.110  When Allah said: Jesus, the son of Mary, remember my
         blessings over you and your mother when I supported you
         with Ruh-al-Kuds...with my izn...
016.002  He sends the angels with the ruh from His amr (command)
         upon whom He will among His servants to warn mankind...
         (melaike, ruh, amr)
016.102  Say: From your Sustainer, Ruh-alKuds brought it down
         with reality/truth, to support the believers, and as
         a guidance and good news for those who surrender.
         (ruh-al-kuds, hak, nazzala)
017.085  They will question you about the ruh. Say: ruh is
         the amr(command) of my Sustainer. You have not given the
         knowledge of it except a little.
         (ruh, amr)
026.192  And indeed it is what the Sustainer of the worlds has sent.
026.193  With it; He sent down the ruh trustful.
040.015  The giver of higher levels, owner of the Throne, infuser
         of the ruh from His amr upon any of His servants He wills
         to warn of the day of meeting.
         (ruh, amr, yulki)
058.022  ...they are the ones whose hearts Allah inscribed the
         faith and they are supported by ruh from Him...
070.004  The angels and the ruh ascend towards Him in a day the
         measure of which is fifty thousand years.
         (malaike, ruh)
078.038  On the day of rising when the ruh and the angels stand arrayed,
         no one will speak except who are given izn by the Beneficient,
         and who speak right.
         (malaike, ruh)
097.004  On the night, the angels and the ruh descend, from all amr,
         with the izn of their Sustainer.
         (ruh, amr, izn)
042.052  Thus We have revealed to you a ruh from Our amr...
019.017  And she had chosen seclusion from them, and We sent her
         our ruh and it in it assumed for her the likeness of a
         perfect man.
         (ruh, arsalna)
021.091  And she that kept herself pure. We blew into her from
         Our ruh, and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds.
066.012  And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who kept herself pure,
         We blew into her from Our ruh..
032.009  And then We gave him shape and blew into him from His ruh.
         He made for you ears and eyes and mind. How little you are
015.029  And when I gave him shape and blew from My ruh into him,
         prostrate for him.
038.072  And when I gave him shape and blew from My ruh into him,
         prostrate for him.


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