1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

comments on the book written by Joseph Ratzinger (the Pope Benedict XVI) and Marcello Pera

comments on the book written by Joseph Ratzinger (the Pope Benedict XVI) and Marcello Pera
the following is my comments on the book written by Joseph Ratzinger (the Pope Benedict XVI) and Marcello Pera I will comment on this book as I read it through. So far I've read it upto p.10. On p.10 it reads (Marcello says): "I deny that there are no valid reasons for comparing and judging institutions, principles, and values." I agree with him, as long as he tells me according to what he is going to judge and compare, According to: Universal humanrights? Universal values? Universal truths? Who decides they are universal? Secularists?! The Bible? The Qur'an? this "universal" reminds me communists calling communism "universal";-) and then he says: "I deny that such a comparison cannot conclude that Western institutions are better than their Islamic counterparts." He must have already concluded to be able to say so, apparently he had concluded based on institutions he has chosen and deciding which ever Islamic institutions he likes to chose as a counterpart without time and space constraints. Sounds like a joke;-)) It would be easier for us if he said: "I deny that Secularist Institutions are not better than their Islamic counterparts!, otherwise I wouldn't be a Secularist!" On the same page he also talks about "the principals of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and respect that are characteristic of the West today" I guess he means "the Secularist principals of tolerance and peaceful coexistence" that everyone Christian/Jew/Muslim has to respect - otherwise if you refuse to reciprocate these principles then you select a means of execution of your choice;-> I like this guy;-)) It is getting better and better;-)) Didn't I tell you that Secularism is the Super Religion of our times. We are Muslims/Christians/Jews only as much as the Secularists tolarate with the principles that dictate, if you say 'No!" you find yourself in the pit that French used to have in their Castles which they call Push-them-in-and-forget "oubliette". Have you seen one of them when you were in France:-) He also declares on p.2 "Modern science is a Western invention that has universal value." But when I read B.Russell, he says that "Modern science has three main components which made it successful: Axiomatisation, Abstraction and Experimentation." And when I look at the history of science I see that Ancient Greeks introduced Axiomatisation first and Muslims scientists introduced Abstraction via Algebra and also Experimentation. It is obvious that the Western scientists built on that with their hard work. I think this guy doesn't know much of history and philosophy of science. That's all for the first 10 pages. Should I read the rest? I will read the rest for I really want to know how a Secularist creates illusions to bewitch his subjects especially the Christians/Jews and Muslims now happy to be qualified "Secularists". God willing I am going to do this not because I like to do it but I have to do it for this is becoming outrageous. I continue reading and commenting this book: Marcello talks about two cultures A nd B in his "criticism" of relativism of Wittgenstein on page 13: Marcello says: a meta criterion that is common to both A nd B is not required to decide which one is "better", all we need is the members of A and B wish to enter into a dialogue and submit to each other's criticism. Yes, just like that, Marcello the Magician thinks that he can decide which one is better by jumping in a dialogue and submitting to each other's criticism;->> Marcello! haven't you forgotten something here Mate, using what language and conceptual framework those guys/dolls are going to submit according to what criteria to each other's criticism? What home work you did to start such a dialogue? Have you allowed Muslims/Christians/Jews to make and implement their laws to their own people? So that there can be some ground prepared to lay foundations of inter cultural institutions and language and conceptual framework, new concepts developed to achieve such a dialogue? No! What you did is give all the authority of making and implementing laws to Secularists exclusively to create a Fascist Political Structure all around the world. And then Darida takes over and comes up with another magical solution to September 11;->> Listen to this it is more fun to see two magicians to play tricks to fool each other;->> Darida says (according to Marcello): It is thus necessary to do everything possible to ensure that these current failings in the present state of these institutions are effectively sanctioned and, in truth, discouraged in advance by a new organization...modified in its structure and charter, have at its disposal an effective intervening force and thus no longer have to depend in order to carry out its decisions on rich and powerful, actually or virtually hegemonic, nation-states which bend the law in accordance with their force and according to their interests" He is talking about a new UN;->> in Philosophy in a time of terror, G.Borradori p114-115. I ask Darida: Why do you think that this new organisation with its own law making mechanisms will generate an ultra/super/you-name-it legal system and will have the power to implement it independently from existing Secularist-fascist-singularist political organisations? By magic?! Here is my one Euro advice to Westerns: No magic will solve your problems, only using intellect and converting your archaic single-law fascist political structures to multi-law, multi-cultural societies may save you by the God willing.

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