23 Mart 2021 Salı


 Ey Kavmim !

"MILLET"'i "KAVIM"'den ayirdetmekten aciz bir adamin icat ettigi

ilkelere - Ataturk Ilkeleri'ne, ne zamana kadar ragbet edecegiz ?

Eger simdi akil etmezsek, ne zaman akledecegiz ?





someone (tebia=follow/hedani=be-guided-to/terektu=has-forsaken/semigna=


         yiddu=turns-someone-back-to) a MILLET

someone (naude-fiha-illa-en-sha-allah=will-not-return-to) a-MILLET 


allah-guides-someone-unto (a-straight-path, a-right-DIN, the-MILLET-of-abraham)

someone is-better/worse-in-DIN if s/he-follows the-MILLET-of abraham

DIN-without-hardship (ad-din-min-harajin) : the-MILLET-of-abraham


002.120 And the jews will not be pleased with you, nor will the christians,

        till you follow their MILLET. Say: the guidance of Allah (Himself)

        is guidance. And if you would follow their desires after the 

        knowledge which had come unto you, then would you have from Allah

        no protecting friend nor helper.

        (jews, christians, tebea=follow, ilm=knowledge, veliy=friend)

002.130 And who forsake the MILLET of Abraham save him who befooled himself?

        Verily we chose him in the world, and lo! in the hereafter he is

        among the righteous.

        (dunya=world, ahira=hereafter, sadikin=righteous)

002.135 And they say: be jews and christians, then you will be rightly 

        guided. Say: nay, but (we follow) the MILLET of Abraham, the

        upright, and he was not of idolaters.

        (jews, christians, mushrikin=idolaters, hanif=upright/rightly-guided)

003.095 say: Allah speak the truth, so follow the MILLET of Abraham, the

        upright. He was not of the idolaters.

        (fettebiu=follow, hanif=upright, mushrikin=idolaters)

004.125 Who is better in DIN than he who surrendered his purpose to Allah

        while doing good (to men) and followed the MILLET of Abraham, the

        upright ? Allah (Himself) chose Abraham for friend.

        (DIN, esleme-vejhe-lillahi=surrendered-his-purpose-to-Allah,

         hanif=upright, halil=friend)

006.162 Say: lo! as for me, my Lord had guided me unto a straight path,

        a right DIN, the MILLET of Abraham, the upright, who was no 


        (hedani=guided, sratin-mustakim=straight-path, DINen-kiyemen=right

         din, hanif=upright, mushrikin=idolater)


012.037 he said: the food which you are given shall not come on to you

        the interpretations here it comes unto you. This is of which my

        Lord had taught me. Lo! I have forsaken the MILLET of the KAWM

        who believe not in Allah and are disbelievers in hereafter.

        (tavil=interpretation, alleme=taught, terektu=forsaken, kawm


012.038 and I have followed the MILLET of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac

        and Jacob. It never was for us to attribute others as partner to

        Allah. This is of the bounty of Allah unto us and unto mankind;

        but most of the mankind give no thanks.

        (tebea=followed, naas=mankind)

016.123 and afterward we inspired thee: follow the MILLET of Abraham, 

        as one by nature upright, he was not of the idolaters.

        (evhayna=inspired, tebiu=follow, hanif=upright, mushrikin=idolaters)

022.078 and strive for Allah with the endeavour which is his right. He had

        chosen you and had not laid upon you in DIN any hardship; the MILLET

        of your father Abraham. He had named you muslims of old time and

        in this, that the messenger may be witness against you, and that you

        may be witnesses against mankind. So establish worship, pay the 

        poor-due and hold fast to Allah. He is your protecting friend, a

        blessing patron and a blessing helper.

        (cihad=strive, din, shuheda=witnesses, naas=mankind)

038.008 We have not heard of this in later MILLET. This is naught but

        an invention.

        (milletil-ahira=later-millet, ehtilakum=invention)

007.088 The chieftains of his KAWM, who were scornful, said: surely we 

        will drive you out, o Shuayb, and those who believe with you, 

        from our township, unless you return to our MILLET. He said: 

        even though we hate it ?

        (karye=tawnship, kawm, amenu=believe, tauddunne=return)

007.089 we should have invented a lie against Allah if we return to

        your MILLET after Allah had rescued us from it. It is not for

        us to return to it unless Allah should will (SHAE). Our Lord

        comprehended all things in knowledge. In Allah do we put our 

        trust. Our Lord! decide with truth between us and our KAWM, 

        for You are the best of those who make decision.

        (yesha-Allah=Allah-should-will, udna=return, neccana=rescue, 

        ilm=knowledge, kawm)

014.013 And those who disbelieved said unto their messengers: verily we 

        will drive you out from our land, unless you return to our

        MILLET. Then their Lord inspired them: verily We shall

        destroy the wrong-doers.

014.014 And verily We shall make you to dwell in the land after them. 

        This is for him who feared my majesty and feared my treats.

        (keferu=disbelieved, nuhricen=drive-out, teudunne=return

         ard=land, zalimeen=wrong-doers)


018.020 For they, if they should come to know of you, will stone you or

        turn you back to their MILLET; then you will never prosper.

        (yuiddu=turn-back, tuflihu=prosper)  


"Hakimiyet bila-kaydu-sart milletindir."  M.Kemal.

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