1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Confessions of SATAN

Confessions of SATAN


When your Lord said to the Angels and I : I will make a viceroy on
the earth.

We said: Will You place there someone who will make mischief
therein and shed blood, while we hymn Your praise and sanctify You?

He said: Surely I know which you know not.

And when God said to the Angels and I : Prostrate for Adam
All prostrated except Me.

I was critical about the honour given to Adam.

God said: Lucifer! what hindered you from prostrating...Are you too
proud, or are you of the high exalted?

I said: Shall I prostrate for whom You created from earth, from
clay? I will not prostrate for an individual created from baked
clay, from altered black mud. I am better than him, You created me
of fire, and You created him from clay.

God said; Then go down! It is not for you to show pride here.
I demurred through pride and I was scornful, and became of those
rejected, one of disbelievers.

I said: My Lord reprieve me till the day when they are raised.
He said: Then you are reprieved. Till an appointed time, till the
day of raising.

I said: By Your Might, I will deviate every one of them, except
those of Your subjects who are truthful. I will ruin all but a few
of his descendants. I shall adorn the path of error for them on the
earth, and shall mislead every one of them, except those of Your
subjects who are righteous.

I will lurk ambush for mankind on Your staight path, and will
spring upon mankind from their front, from their rear, from their
right and from their left.

God said: A curse is on you until the day of judgement.
And God said: Adam! Dwell with your wife in the garden, eat any of
its fruit that you will, but never approach this tree or you become

And I whispered to them so that I might manifest unto them what
were hidden from them of their shame. And I said: Your Lord forbade
you from this tree, only to prevent you from becoming angels or

If God were not merciful, you would all follow me except for a few.
I promised Adam immortality, a kingdom that never becomes old. I
promise man nothing, but deception. I deceive through pride. I can
excite people with my voice. I command shameless behaviour. I give
bad counsel. I induce fear to my friends, frighten man with
poverty, and become partner in their wealth and children. I can
induce harm through themselves. I lead man astray by vain desires,
commanding with illegitimate prayers and sermons, commanding
pollution to God's creation. I make man's deeds seem fair to him.
I make you forget important things, good deeds. I engross man to
forget remembrance of God. I induce disputes among mankind. I
afflict man with distress and torment.

I say to unbelievers: None of mankind has power over you today, and
you are under my protection.

And then, in the hour of need, I say: I am done with you. I see
what you cannot see. I fear God, God's punishment is severe.

And when the command was decreed, I say: God promised you with a
promise to be fulfilled. I promised you but I failed you. I had no
authority over you. I called and you responded. I cannot help you,
and you cannot help me.

You want to make friends with me, then spend your wealth to show
off, reject faith, dispute about God without knowledge, keep away
from the remembrance of God.

I have no power to tell you all above, nor have any will to do so.
But one of you whom I hate most copied them from the scriptures,
disclosing my secrets from my mouth, oh how I hate him.

I am your open enemy, I'll whisper you how to spread viruses in Language
to make it useless, so that you have nothing to demonstrate you are created 
higher than me. 


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