1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Comment on Descartes’ Bones

Comment on Descartes’ Bones
First of all Russell Shorto seems to be unaware of the outstanding developments in Philosophy during the 20th Century. He thinks L.Wittgenstein "titanically cryptic". However, in fact he is the one who ended the tyranny of Cartesians via the concept of meaning against positivist meaning of "meaning". But the good news for Russell Shorto is his puzzlement with to words "passion" and "soul". For this as a generous Muslim I am going to give him some tips : Open the Book of the God, the God of Muslims, Christians, Jews and the rest and search and try to understand how the God uses the words "qalb" in 132 verses and "nefs" in 295 verses as an example to human-beings, so that they don't get lost in their puzzlement, for Russell Shorto "Descartes' puzzle". Russell Shorto mustn't forget that the meaning of word is its use in language for even positivists admit it since 1970s. Thank you Russell Shorto for skinning the cat up to its nose, namely to "passion" and "soul".

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