Hey $EYTAN Ayetciler ! Once $EYTAN ile $EYATIIN arasindaki farki gozetin :-> For that occassion I would like to point out an inherent error in the translations of the Qur'an about SATAN (shaytan/seytan) and SHAYATEEN (shayaateen). The word SHAYATEEN occurs in the following ayats. 006.121 SHAYATEEN inspire their friends to quarrel with you. 006.121 if you follow them you will be one of mushrikin. 007.030 Those who are in error have taken SHAYATEEN as their friends, and they think they are rightly guided. 019.083 SHAYATEEN give false honours to kafirin. 017.027 squanderers (=mubazzir) are the brothers of SHAYATEEN. 002.102 SHAYATEEN told stories about Suleyman's Mulk. 002.102 SHAYATEEN rejected faith (kafaru). 002.102 SHAYATEEN taught magic to people. (the magic that was revealed to Harut and Marut). 006.071 People lured aside by SHAYATEEN on earth are therefore bewildered. 006.112 Unto every prophet, there are SHAYATEEN from mankind and jinn, who inspire one another misleading and devious statements. 114.006 Whisperers are of the jinn, and of mankind. 021.082 Allah gave Suleyman some SHAYATEEN who dived for him, and did other work. 038.036 ..gave Suleyman SHAYATEEN, every builder and diver, and others enslaved in chains. 026.221 SHAYATEEN descend on every sinful and liar (kulli affakin asim). 026.223 SHAYATEEN listen eagerly, but most of them are liars (=kazibu). 067.005 made lights in the lower heavens missiles (=rujum) for SHAYATEEN. 002.014 ...When they are alone with their SHAYATEEN... 026.210 the Quran was not brought by SHAYATEEN. 081.025 the Quran is not the word of outcast SATAN. (here, it is not SHAYATEEN but SATAN. hk.) ves-selam. Hey Lan Salman ! Ne dedin ? $eytan mi, $eyatiin mi ? Hey Lan Mollalar ! Ne dediniz ? $eytan mi, $eyatiin mi ? Eger Kitabi gozleriniz yari kapali okuyor olmasaydiniz, boyle olum-fetvalari yagdirmaniza gerek kalmadan meseleyi halledebilirdiniz... Verin bakalim simdi bana o vadettiginiz paraciklari...Rustu'yu oldurmeden sorununuzu hallettim... Hey Lan Rustu, Kitabin yayinindan kazandigin paralarin yarisini hak etmedim mi ? Kelleyi kurtardin yine, fakat paraciklarindan yarisi diyetin olarak benimdir....bu dunyada vermezsen ahirette alacagim olsun... B Chevalier des Mots
29 Ocak 2019 Salı
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